FW5.4 Dress Better for your "Right Now" Body


We also discuss Pamphlet 5, of the original 1922 Fascinating Womanhood pamphlets: Putting Dainty Girlishness into Apparel




If you are struggling with a negative body image, may I suggest listening to Laura Acuna over at Still Becoming. She doesn't have a large following on YT, but she does on other venues. I'm linking to her first video podcast on YT which explains her journey.    (I don't mention her on my video, because I just now remembered her.) 


 "Laura Acuña began life as a ‘skinny girl’ but gained 100 pounds in one year at the young age of 11. From that time on, she lived on the diet and body image roller coaster, which never led to permanent weight loss or freedom from the pain she was numbing with food. Instead, she picked up a lifetime of broken thinking about herself, her God, and what His definition of freedom truly means. Thankfully, over the past few years, Laura has been on the healing path. Season One is an open invitation for you to join her on the journey and to discover true freedom has nothing to do with a number on the scale." 


She also has a book by the same name, Still Becoming. I heard her interviewed several years ago and she was riveting. 

I also mention The Mighty Patch, which can usually take care of blemishes overnight! 

Regarding your clothes: Dresses together, then shirts, then pants, all sorted by color. 

  • Donate, 
  • Mend, 
  • Tailor, or 
  • hang back up in your closet next to other like colors. 

Remember, to be treated better, dress better! People take their cue from what your clothes say [scream] about you.

May God bless you as you seek to clothe yourself as befitting a Proverbs 31 woman, with the body you have right now.



 Consider subscribing to Estee Williams channel.  She doesn't post much because she gets a lot of hate.  But what she says here is very true!  What happened to Women's Fashions?


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