Easy Logic Test to Determine Math Readiness

Sallyedelsteincollage.com There are two schools of thought in teaching young children: " Better Early Than Late " and " Better Late Than Early ." I fall into both camps. I agree with all those people who see that their preschoolers can memorize anything, and believe you should take this window (that closes around age 7 or 8) to help your child memorize Bible verses, the times tables, helping verbs, and other pertinent life facts. At age four, my son (like your child) was memorizing a favorite video. When my husband was aged 4-8 he inadvertently memorized commercials (and can win all jingle contests at parties). When I was that age we went to church three times a week, and so without trying to, I memorized hymns (for which I am forever grateful!). But I didn't want my son memorizing The Three Little Pigs video! So we began Classical Conversations, and I'm glad we did. He (we) learned a lot. Their timeline song is amaz...