Stuffication! Thoughts and Books on Decluttering.

Decluttering happens in layers. Thirteen years ago our house was so stuffed from inherited items that we had no space, and the fixer-upper house we had was a bit dismal. Then we had a baby. First borns come with a lot of stuff! Through concentrated effort I was able to remove all the stuff we didn't use regularly into one bedroom and one large patio room, plus storage over the garage. Layer one was gone through. We could breathe again. Then two more grandparents went to heaven. We received a truck load of furniture and stuff. Beautiful stuff, that brought back memories. It was so hard to let go of my grandmother's rocking chair. The extra tv. The china. The fridge magnets. The "good" (unused) towels. Despite letting many things go, we managed to refill all the empty places. I kept going forward with my routines of caring for baby and cleaning. I stayed out of thrift stores, but not consignment baby stores! I'd drop off...