
Showing posts from 2024

FW 5.10 Your Heavenly Voice

 Wow, I cover a lot of ground in this video, with a plethora of stories! I'm going to share some quotes from Roger Vadim's biography called Bardot, Deneuve, Fonda, My Life with the Three Most Beautiful Women in the World, which is ironic, because the quotes I share are about his less famous wife, Annette.  It's not a book I would recommend, and I've only read the chapter on Bardot.  I guess he was a well-known film producer in France, but in my opinion he had a very sad life because he and his wives had open marriages and they kept leaving him for up and coming film stars.   At one point I said, "He eventually married her" (Annette) because I was reading a page prior to his description of her on the beach when she was pregnant - he married her long before she was pregnant with his child. Note that Annette was more than just eye-catching.  She was mind-catching. I discuss how dressing inappropriately and showing too much skin causes people, men especially, to

Are You on The Way, or The Wayside?

  Hello, Beautiful Homemakers, and Gatekeepers of the Home!   It’s not much fun being deceived, is it?  We hate to realize that we have believed a lie.  But isn’t it better to have the trick, the swap, the lie, exposed?  Wouldn’t you rather know the truth, and be embarrassed, than keep believing in the lie? James 1:5-8 (NLT) says, “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask Him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind . Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.” (emphasis mine) When I was a teenager I was given the book God Calling . At first it all sounded good, but… there was a little niggling doubt in the back of my mind th


When I was a child I had a book called Fortunately . The past few weeks my life has been mimicking the spirit of this book.  Fortunately I had a whole week off in which to record videos!  Unfortunately my computer crashed and I was unable to record, edit, and upload any. Fortunately my son was able to diagnose, repair, and recover all my data!  Unfortunately my week was just about over.   Fortunately I was able to record one video!  Unfortunately I don't have time to edit it. I will be at VBS this week, next week I'm dog sitting, the following week I have to call in for jury duty and the 4th week we are doing a whole house clean out.  Fortunately my son will be graduating homeschool on July 4th!  Unfortunately we still have 3 more weeks of school left.  Fortunately I've got playlists you can listen to! You can get caught up with the original Fascinating Womanhood series , or listen to the story Secrets of Fascinating Womanhood , or clean and cook while listening to the best

FW 5.9 Hair - Your Halo of Loveliness

  In this video I begin by reading from Pamphlet 5 of the original 1922 Fascinating Womanhood pamphlets.  The section is called "What the Hair Should Do." I tell a few stories and reveal what I discovered in my research about: Lint on your hairbrush How many times should you brush? Hairspray can clog your ________! How to properly brush your hair Best hairbrushes Oily hair, dry hair and split ends Washing brushes How often should you shampoo? Warning signals that you need a shampoo immediately Should you brush before shampooing? What temperature should the water be? What is the most important part when washing your hair? Lather, rinse, repeat? Should I use a creme rinse, conditioner, leave-in conditioner, protein conditioner, or deep conditioner? Should our hair be squeaky clean? What should you do if you have hard water? Vinegar rinse:  1/2 cup vinegar to 1 quart water Distilled water? The best way to dry your hair The good and bad about towel turbans Tangles Sun damaged hai

Grocery Price List Comparison Chart between Ralphs and Stater Bros.

Hello, Beautiful Homemakers!  Part of being a homemaker is being a frugal shopper.  One EASY way to do this is to take your grocery receipts from your two favorite stores and compare them.  Grocery prices are so high these days that this is a must.   I decided to alphabetize my groceries by brand in most cases, but not all.  It's by whatever I would think to look up first (soup? or Progresso Soup?).  F&V stands for Fruits and Vegetables.  I want them grouped all together on my list, just like I want Frozen items all together on my list.  I am comparing Ralphs (Kroger) and Stater Bros.  In some cases, only Stater Bros has an item, such as Dole Mango Orange Juice.  In other cases, only Ralphs has the item I want, like Western Hearth Wheat Bread.  If both stores have the item, I've occasionally highlighted the store with the cheapest price.   Now, every once in awhile, the list doesn't work.  This happened to me last December.  I went to SB in the morning and bought everyt