A Welcome Home Checklist and A Favorite Poem
This is not a list to be done daily, nor is it meant to convey the impression we must be perfect, and live in a perfectly clean, magazine-worthy home. No! It is just the "ultimate" list I finally wrote because I was always forgetting something and wanted it all in one place. My windows will never be spotless. But it sounds good on the list, doesn't it? It's a goal - something to shoot for. But don't worry - your house doesn't need to be perfect to be welcoming. In fact, perfect homes are not welcoming. We don't want our homes to be hotel rooms. My fridge will always be covered in photos, magnets, and drawings. That gives us pleasure. I think refrigerators without childish decor looks sterile and unfriendly. I'll take a lived in, much loved home over a perfect home any day! This is just for offering tips to help you spruce up your living areas, or for help before throwing a big party. A Welcome Home Checklist Curb Appeal