10 Terrible Trends that will make you look Ridiculous!
Hello, Beautiful Homemakers! I thought I was making an "easy" video to get out to you quickly while I'm researching the next part of the FW pamphlet. It was easy enough to record, but finding the pictures! Ugh! I always say I'm not going to spend a lot of time finding the "right" pictures, but then I do. And it's never perfect. I think you will get a big laugh at the latest trends. It's really hard for me to believe that people will wear some of them! I hope you enjoy it. Sheri Braendel over at StylebyColor.com compiled the Trend Reports. I'm just giving you my take on them. The movies I mention are: Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris (below 1.5 hours), and the remake Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris from 2022. I mention Jessica Rey's Ted Talk and her swimsuit website JessicaRey.com (her one page story is really interesting!). The book I highly recommend is Laura Doyle's The Empowered Wife . It's a must-read! It would also make an