The Fascinating Origins of the Enneagram

One Christmas several years ago someone on my Christmas list requested the book The Sacred Enneagram as a gift. I bought it and flipped through it and noticed the section entitled, The Contested History of the Enneagram . Contested? As in Questioned? Challenged? Disputed? Yep. This piqued my curiosity, so I began researching the contested history, and boy did I find a lot that the author of the book, Christopher Heuertz, left out! The enneagram is supposed to be from ancient times, but it is well documented that the enneagram first came into being from George Gurdjieff, an esoteric teacher. Scholars have verified this. And poor George died on October 29, 1949. That means that the enneagram isn’t "ancient!" In fact, for decades there weren't even any words attached to the enneagram design . George wrote that it was a diagram of “cosmic reality” – that you could see the universe in it because it had mystical meanings....