FW 5.11 Advertising Yourself

Hello, beautiful homemakers!

With this week's video I start with an interaction I observed of a wife berating her husband out in public, then I tell you of a huge WIN one of my listeners had while implementing the FW suggestions, and then I cover Chapter X of pamphlet 5, "Where and How to Meet Men" with the subcategory "How to Increase Your Opportunities to Meet Men." I finish with several stories. 

While the pamphlet is geared towards single women, I try to include stories and tidbits that are appropriate for different ages and stages of life, such as how an introvert takes baby steps towards introducing herself in order to make more friends.

Thanks for listening and commenting! I also appreciate you subscribing to my channel at youtube.com/@beautifulhomemaking.

May God bless you, ladies, as you seek to enlarge your friendship circle,



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